
Thursday, February 24, 2011

15 Minute Challenge - Day 7 (2/23)

I think the sewing mojo is back!  Hung out for a hour and a half in the sewing room last night.  The key seems to be getting there.  If I can get there, then stuff happens.  Last night I finished sewing the binding to the front of a quilt. 

This quilt is big and heavy.  I don't usually have problems with bindings, but even though I was using the cutting table for support, this quilt was hard to keep lined up correctly.  The binding is on fairly straight, but it felt like I was wrestling a toddler.  I wanted it to go one way and it wanted to go another! 

Just 5 more days left in my 15 minute challenge.  Check in with me tomorrow to see if I can make this sewing streak last longer than a week. 

1 comment:

  1. Your kicking butt and taking no prisoners there Kate. I havent otuched my sewing room since Monday. It appears that either you or I can sew like a demon - just not at the same time.

    I call dibs on next week ...


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