
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Stash Report - January 9th

The second week of January was a busy one.  It was back to work for me.  Boy was it hard to get back in the groove after 2 weeks off.  Monday was a company holiday, so I was still lounging at home.  I did get some sewing done Monday afternoon, but that was about it for the week.  Yesterday, kiddo had two basketball games, plus it was her birthday.  Not much time to get up to the sewing room.  So here's the stash status for week 2:

Used this week: 0.28 yards
Added this week:  0 yards

Used year to date: 1.06 yards
Added year to date: 0 yards

Net used for 2011:  1.06 yards

Fabric Budget: 10 yards
Bought/Budget: 0/10 yards

One of my 2011 quilting goals was to set up and stick to a fabric budget.  My budget is 10 yards per quarter.  I'm going to add that to my stash report each week.  It took weekly reporting of the yardage purchased to make me really notice how much I had bought.  It's easy to just type the numbers in the spreadsheet, having to report those numbers on the blog made me much more conscious of my habits.  Maybe weekly reporting will help me stick to the fabric budget. 

So at the end of week 2, I'm still in the black.  I doubt I get much sewing done this week.  Kiddo has a swim meet today, basketball games on Monday, Thursday and Saturday.  However, we are supposed to get snow starting this afternoon.  That may change the schedule somewhat. 

Hope your stash management for 2011 is on track.  To check out how week 2 went, hop over to Judy's Patchwork Times


  1. You are in the black, thats what counts.

  2. You're doing good with your stash management. I haven't even thought about keeping track! LOL

    Thanks for the inspiration. Happy Sunday! :o)

    PS...we're supposed to get snow today too. It will shut down our town for a couple of days...ah, the benefits of living in the South! More sewing time for me, if I can keep the kids busy with something!

  3. Using is using, and not buying is not buying... a great beginning to the year.

  4. The fabric budget is an interesting concept. I agree with you that keeping track of purchases, and knowing the total yardage purchased has helped me think twice about buying on many occasions. Just for kicks, I kept record of how much I spent, not just yardage, for three months last year. Of course during that time I purchased batiks and lots of 108" wide backing fabric. That was a really swift jolt into reality about my fabric spending habits. Overall though, I used 119 yards of stash last year so I'm happy! Good luck in 2011!!

  5. Happy Belated Birthday to the Kiddo. Yesterday was also my niece's birthday.

    I like that you are adding the fabric budget to your report. I agree that reporting somehow makes it easier to keep ourselves in line.

  6. I just LOVE the budget part!! Enjoy your week!

  7. Well done Kate.

    I must admit having a fabric budget has really forced me to buy only actually what I need or things I really love. (Imagine me in Spotlight on the weekend buying 1/4 metres of things for a project so buying extra didnt eat into my fabric allowance for 2011!)


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