
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Foto Finish Saturday - January 22nd

This week's theme for the Foto Finish is "Kodachrome".  I'm married to a man who is both music junkie and avid amateur photographer.  So the word "Kodachrome" evokes all kinds of comments at our house.  I was kiddo's age when Paul Simon released the song.  It's easy to get that refrain running through your brain.

They give us those nice bright colors
They give us the greens of summers
Makes you think all the world's a sunny day, Oh yeah
I got a Nikon camera
I love to take a photograph
So mama don't take my Kodachrome away

So in keeping with the "greens of summer" from the lyrics, here is this week's Foto Finish.

This was taken in the field at the end of our street.  It supports an amazing variety of wild flowers.  The purple flowers are Prairie Stars.  The field was buzzing with bees, but just the one butterfly, who proved to be quite camera shy.  I took a lot of blurry in-motion shots before I got lucky with this one. 

As I was working on this post, my guy commented that Kodachrome film was gone.  Kodak quit making the film in late 2009/early 2010.  The last Kodachrome film processor closed it's doors on December 30th 2010.   So mama didn't take Kodachrome away, but I guess the digital era did. 

Pop over Cat Patches to check out more Kodachrome moments.


  1. Great shot! I love photos with butterflies but to get one with a bee too is very special.

  2. Great butterfly shot. What a thrill. I got one up on Mt. Rainier one summer. It was the butterfly of my dreams!

  3. That's a great shot, I love the colours they are so vibrant.
    I do remember the song but haven't heard it for years!

  4. Beautiful Kate- just gorgeous. looks like something you'd see in an exhibition.

  5. I believe that song is going to be running through my brain all night!!! Beautiful picture! I am still using film film camera is a better one than my digital. WalMart is the only place around here to get it developed and is sure is higher than it was a few years back.v

  6. Gorgeous!
    Thanks for sharing with us.


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