
Friday, January 28, 2011

Favorite Things Friday - January 28th

Wow, it's already the last Friday in January.  One one hand, I'm ready for spring and warmer weather.  On the other, it just seems that time passes so quickly.  How can we be 1/12 through the new year already?   Just two months left in first quarter, which at work means I need to get busy on some projects.  Tax documents have started arriving in the mail.  No more on that topic, let's pretend that doesn't exist for a few more weeks at least!   On that note let's move on to a more fun topic, Favorite Things Friday.

This week my favorite thing is 19/30 days.

What's a 19/30 day?   If you work 8.5 hours per day for the approximately 20 work days each month you can take the a day off as a 19/30 day.  So you end up working 19 out of the on average 30 days per month.  On this schedule it's like getting an additional 12 days of vacation each year.  What's even nicer is that you get to pick the day you take off. 

Today is my 19/30 day for January.  I may get some sewing in today, but probably not much.  We are having a pool party to celebrate kiddo's birthday tonight.  I've been sick this week so I'm behind on getting ready.  So I'll be baking and making a shopping expedition for party supplies. 

That's it for my Favorite Things Friday this week.  Pop over to Quilting in my Pyjamas to check out all the other cool Favorite Things. 


  1. That's called flexi time here, and I used to love it when I worked in a government department, it was so good being able to work those extra hours each day to be able to have a day off a fortnight.

  2. We need 19/30 days here. That would be great.

  3. Sounds like a great idea! Enjoy your 19/30 day! I can see how that would definitely be something to look forward to.

  4. I work 18/30 anyway , but yep I can accrue flexi and do 16/30 if I want. It's great to be able to take an extra day or two off every now and then isnt it. (especially if you get the day to spend doing what YOU want to do )

    Enjoy your day off. I heartily concur with your favourite thing this week Kate !

  5. What a great idea. Enjoy your time off!

  6. hope you found something fun to do!! Happy FTF

  7. In my previous job as a teacher we never had this type of thing but my daughter has a RDO each month -Rostered Day Off. sounds like the same sort of thing. It's a very good idea. you need a day to do all the jobs that can only be done in work hours.

  8. I'm glad you explained that or I wouldn't have gotten it. Now that you have, I'm jealous! We need those. :D It would make my favorite list, too, then.

  9. Sounds like a great FTF! Us work at home mums don't get that....we have to plan for it :-)


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