
Monday, December 20, 2010

Design Wall Monday - December 20th

I'm slowly but surely getting all the Christmas stuff done.  I learned the value of backing up my computer files yesterday.  A couple of years ago I put our Christmas card address list into an Access data base.  From that I can then use print merge with Publisher and print out address labels for all our cards.  It saves a lot of time as I don't have to write out each address.  Well somehow my Access files got corrupted and as I'm trying to salvage that situation, I deleted one of the files, after I had backed up what I thought  I needed.  No, I backed up the wrong thing!  So I was going to have to start from scratch.  Then my guy asked if I had ever used the terabyte drive he bought me for backing up my files.  I actually had and was able in about 2 minutes to recover an uncorrupted file and print the labels.   I still ended up spending most of the afternoon on the Christmas cards.  But I guess it could have been worse! 

You can probably guess that I've not been in my sewing room very much  So not much progress to report for the last week.  I did complete cutting out all the parts for the Seeing Star BOM center block and have it  partially assembled. 

I'm on vacation all this week, but I still have Christmas stuff that needs to get done, so I'm not sure how much sewing I'll get to do this week.  I should have a better chance at getting some sewing done next week. 

Once I finish this post, I'm going to get a fresh cup of coffee and cruise over to Judy's Patchwork Times to check this week's design walls. But before I do that, I want to wish all my Design Wall Monday and Stash Report blog buddies a Happy Holiday season!


  1. Fun colors on your BOM. Hope you find some time to relax amongst all the Christmas cheer.

  2. I'm sure you'll see (before you sew it) that on the bottom right side of your block there is an HST turned the wrong way :) Very pretty block!

  3. I love blue and yellow quilts, one of my favorite color combinations.

  4. I don't think I will get any sewing done this week. I have a million things to get done before Friday. Have fun :)

  5. Your block is beautiful: I didn't hear about that BOM. But I do understand the lessening of sewing time. I have had to quit for now: too many things to do before we leave for MD tomorrow night. I even have to repair a chair for SIL. Merry Christmas.

  6. I have yet to get my cards out, Kate! Glad you were able to salvage and repair, whew! Thanks so much for the holiday wishes. Same to you and yours :) And a Happy New Year to us all!

  7. Very pretty. I have next week off and i hope to just have fun with the family. I will get some sewing in but more resting. Merry Christmas.

  8. Glad to hear that you got your computer problem solved without too much effort and anxiety.

    Isn't it nice to have the Christmas things finished so that we can get back to the other things in our lives.

  9. I gave up on the idea of senidng cards this tear ...too hard (plus it seems nobody much is sending them here either - I think I've scored about 4 !)Good on you for getting yours done.

    Love the block!

    Happy Holidays Kate.

  10. Great block....

    glad you found a backup of the file. I've been experiencing some computer glitches and it is so frustrating!!

    Happy Holidays!


  11. Hey, cutting is the first part of sewing and needs to be done. Happy Holidays and enjoy your time off!


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