
Monday, October 4, 2010

Design Wall Monday - October 4th

I'm still working on the 2008 BOM that I posted last Monday (Design Wall 9/27).  We had a lot going on this weekend.  Kiddo had two volleyball games in Tulsa.  Afterwards my guy and kiddo wanted to hang around the book store for a while (I did get in a quick trip to one of the quilt shops as yesterday's stash report showed).  So we didn't get home until very late afternoon.  Then I had to do a lot of laundry on Sunday.  So I didn't get as much sewing done as I would have liked.  I did finish sewing all the 2008 BOM blocks into rows and have some of the rows sewn together, but I still have a lot to do before I can put borders on that quilt. So no picture this week as it looks pretty much like it did last week. 

I did finish two more blocks for the purple and yellow scrap quilt that I posted a couple of weeks ago (Design Wall 9/13).  They are up on my design wall, so that's my photo this week.   I'm really beginning to like how the blocks for that quilt are coming together.

I may not have much on my design wall, but I am working on the layouts for a couple of quilts in EQ.  I was working on those a lot in the evenings after work last week, which is one more reason I didn't get much sewing done.  I'm off this Friday as kiddo is out of school.  Maybe I can sneak in some sewing before she gets up.   

Hop over to Judy's Patchwork Times to see what everyone else has on their design walls.  It's probably a lot more than I have!


  1. I love the little ladybug! Your blocks look great.

  2. Oh wow ..I went and had a peek at the purple and yellow scrap quilt. She's bright and going to be a beauty!

  3. I love yellow and purple!! Post the layouts of the ones you are working on!

  4. My design wall has not changed for ages but that doesn't mean work isn't happening. Those purple and yellow blocks are very sweet.

  5. EQ7 really pulls you in, doesn't it. But I wouldn't say that you're not getting anything done. Pretty blocks.

  6. this is going to be a very cute quilt.

  7. Oooohhhh, I love your purple and yellow blocks. That is going to be a beautiful quilt. I like it so much I may just have to make one for me, too.

  8. This is a great idea for a scrap quilt. Very pretty and a lovely color combo.

  9. Wonderful fabrics in your purple and yellow quilt! It will be very dynamic.

  10. The purple and yellow blocks are so cheerful. That is going to be a happy quilt.

  11. The yellow purple blocks look fantastic! Good things may take a while and are so worth it! Good luck!

  12. The purple and yellow is very pretty!

  13. beautiful! thanks for linking up! :)


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