
Monday, October 25, 2010

Design Wall Monday - October 25th

Is it Monday already?  It's the last Monday in October!  That's just about as scary as the the thought that Halloween is next Sunday!  I've already bought goodies for the trick-or-treaters.  Have you? 

We got home about 8 PM last night from our fall foliage tour of Missouri,  As reported in yesterday's stash report, I did do some quilt shop touring as well. Had time to add on one more vertical border to the 2008 BOM before we left, but that's not enough to make it worth while posting a photo.  The design wall is not empty, the purple and yellow blocks ares still up, but no real progress on those either.  Some progress was made on the "traveling project" this weekend.    I started an English paper piecing project back when kiddo was in soccer, it kept me busy while she was attending those hour and a half practices.  It's also been the basketball practice and swim practice project.  Maybe I'll actually have it done by the time kiddo gets out of high school (gives me about 6 years to get it done).  These blocks also do duty as "the long car ride" and "early morning don't want to wake up anyone project" when we visit family. 

At any rate, here's what I worked on this weekend:

Just for fun, here's the other completed blocks. 

These will go back into their travel box for now. 

Go check out Judy's Patchwork Times for other design wall eye candy.


  1. I am also still in shock that it is almost Nov!
    Your blocks look great.

  2. Yes almost November, geeeeeeeeeee. Pretty blocks and it is really nice to have a travel project, mine is usually bindings.

  3. Love the dark colors around your flowers - very inspiring!

  4. I love hexagons! And ditto on the November shock! :)

  5. Would someone please freeze time? I need another month to complete my work list for December. Just one more week! You have more patience than I do but I do love your travel project.

  6. Yes I have bought the Halloween treats and I've already opened the bags and sampled them all...I may have to restock before the end of the week:)

  7. No halloween treats at my house, yet. But, if you want to give away your GFG blocks for halloween, I'll come to your house, even if I don't know where it is. They are simply gorgeous.

  8. Such lovely blocks and how nice of you to add a few more friends to your box of fun...........

  9. Just this past weekend I was thinking of doing a hexie project since we are going visiting at Christmas and I hate to sit around with nothing to keep my hands busy (somewhat rude to always be reading blogs while visiting). Now I just need to win a GO to cut them out for me. ;-)

  10. I love hexies, and yours are so pretty. It's great to have an "I'll take it with me project " on the go .

    If you start mentioning how close Chrostmas is I'm going to have a meltdown.

  11. duh ...I should proof read better. "Christmas".

    It's not that I cant spell, my fingers are fat and the o and i are right next to one another...

  12. I like your paper piecing - will be a great quilt when done.

  13. Kate, not that you need it because your EPP is very nice...but Bonnie Hunter just posted a tutorial on hexagons. She is crazy about them. She even has a post on possible pattern designs found in places she has been lately--one from a stall which was quite funny! The treats will be purchased way I can keep them around my home even hidden too long before the spooky night.


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