
Monday, October 18, 2010

Design Wall Monday - October 18th

What is it they say about best laid plans?  This weekend was pretty much a bust in terms of sewing time.   I had a migraine headache on Saturday, which lasted most of the day, but eased off Saturday evening and I was able to sew a bit.  Thank you to everyone who expressed sympathy and get well wishes.   I was completely recovered on Sunday, but we were off to a swim meet with kiddo.  We left about 6:30 AM and didn't get home until about 3:00 PM.  Add in the few loads of laundry that had to be run and it was later than I had hoped before I got up to the sewing room. 

I finished one set of borders for the 2008 BOM.  Which is currently spending a lot of time on the sewing room floor so I can measure for borders. 

Not the greatest picture, there is not a lot of room to get a good angle.  I did get the second set of borders cut and partially assembled, but not attached.  Maybe this week, I'll finally finish this one up.  

I usually make up a name for my quilts, for the label if nothing else.  Since I'm getting close to finishing this one I'm thinking it needs a different name than "2008 BOM".   Any suggestions?  I'm drawing a bit of a blank on this one.  Some of the names I've come up with a are pretty lame.  If you name your quilts, how do you come up with them?  Do you have a formula for coming up with a name, or does it just come to you?

Time to get ready for the day job.  Check out what else is posted on Design Wall Monday over at Judy's Patchwork Times.


  1. Perhaps a bit corny but I see this one as Pretty in Pink. LOL. Nice work.

  2. I like the name Pretty in Pink. It is Very Pretty!

  3. Ugh I'm useless at naming quilts. Cant help you at all. It's really pretty though.

    One set of borders is closer to a finish.

  4. Beautiful quilt. I know what you mean about the best laid plans. I usually get a lot of sewing in but have to go with the flow of all my daughters activities.

  5. Names just come to me when I am working on a quilt...usually close to the beginning of the project. My friend Barb always comes up with very creative names for her quilts, but my names are usually a little boring :)
    I like alliteration and the idea that came to my mind for this quilt was "pink plates"...I have no idea why?!?

  6. I thought you could send it to me and I would name it "Thank You Kate". ;-) It is so soft and pretty.

  7. Looks great. I give practical "names" to my quilts but for labels, which I don't do by the way bad me, I can see wanting a more "spiced up" name. I see roses and paisley in the quilt. That could be in the title.

  8. Naming quilts is hard! This looks very soft and pretty and cozy, so I am thinking Cottage Sweets. Lame?

  9. Sometimes the quilt names it self and other times it is just called First Green Quilt.

    Yours makes me think of Pieces of Elegance......

  10. Reading your post I was thinking "Pretty In Pink" too and then read the comments -- guess that's not so original! But I also like Annie's and Susan's ideas. The quilt doesn't have to be named until you get to the label part so don't feel you have to rush to come up with something, the quilt will speak to you in the end.


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